Jumaat, 9 Januari 2009

dari lensa kacha 1

p/s: it's not about the gear, it's all about the photographer ability to capture the moment. the gear will limit your capability, but not your creativity..

5 ulasan:

  1. omg so beautiful. kat mana ni weh

  2. lokasi?
    1)tepi pelabuhan
    2)belakang rumah atas bukit
    3)bangku pemain simpanan
    4)sebelah kedai makan

    sony ericsson k610i 2MP camera phone (sbb tu noise, chromatic abbreviation, d.o.f, dsb, agak teruk)

  3. haha saya stujus dengan stetmen p.s itteww~

  4. memang beserabut noise nye.
    (ckp dgn gaya konon2 tau. afte spendin one whole day dgn azman, jaa dan eman. tepu kepala dgn istilah pelik2.)

  5. totally agree with you, it has nothing to do with the gear, it all about creativity and how you compose the moment with what you got. of course better gear results a better photos, but without knowing the best way on how to compose the moment, its nothing.

    nice shots anyway.
